Lab instruments quiz
Lab instruments quiz

It also estimates how much air is in your lungs. Spirometry measures how much air you can inhale and exhale. What are the types of lung function tests? PFTs are safe and don’t require a healthcare provider to put any tools or instruments inside your body (noninvasive).Īnother name for pulmonary function tests is lung function tests. Some also measure how well your lungs absorb oxygen into your blood and how exercise affects your lungs. Your lungs help you take air in (inhale) and breathe air out (exhale). Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) include different kinds of breathing tests that measure how well your lungs exchange air. Spirometry is a common pulmonary function test.

lab instruments quiz

Ask your teacher for permission to start the lab.Pulmonary function testing measures how well your lungs work. prepare a clean work area and assemble safety equipment.ĭ. Get your lab notebook and prepare the data collection table.Ĭ. Make sure you have read and understand all the directions carefully.ī. There are 3 things that need to happen before beginning your activity in the Lab, including all of the following EXCEPT. Identify the WHMIS symbols by choosing the letter of the symbol which corresponds with the description of the classification. If you are handling hot substances you should use these. If you are working with an open flame, you should wear something to protect your clothing If you spill a chemical, you should be wearing these to protect your feet and eyes. To protect your eyes when mixing strong caustics or acids, it is recommended you wear this. Identify the Personal Lab Safety Equipment every student should be aware of and wear, by matching it with its function: Make sure you have read all of the instructuions carefully Know all of the emergency contact numbersĭ. Make sure you have safety equipment readily availableĬ. Make sure a responsible adult is presentī.

lab instruments quiz

Find out the recommended clothingto wear for a particular chemical.ĭoing experiments at home IS allowed, provided you do this. Sandals, open-toed shoes, and shoes with woven uppers, can be worn.ĭ. Where infectious materials are present, lab coats and gloves are essential.Ĭ. Finger rings or other tight jewelry which is not easily removed should be avoided.ī. Laboratory clothing from a safety point of view should follow these guidelines. contact lenses should not be worn, especially when working with chemicals put your contact lenses in your eyes, as soon as you enter the labĭ. earphones are acceptable, provided you are careful when doing a labĬ. dazzling, dangling jewelry is OK in the lab, as long as care is takenī. Which of the following statements is IS True?.Ī. long hair, shades and awesome scarves are not the rule in science it's not cool to wear protective shoes in the science labĭ. the baggy look is not in, especially in the science labĬ. excess noise and carelessness will result in poor results and accidentsī.

lab instruments quiz

Which of the following statements IS NOT True?.Ī. General Safety Precautions should be followed at all times in the Science Lab. When special care is needed with a particular experiment or activity, CAUTION will appear, with a note about the special care this activity requires.

Lab instruments quiz