Sanmay ved
Sanmay ved

“At least I can now say I’m the man who owned for a minute.”- Sanmay VedĪ similar incident occurred a few years ago when Microsoft lost one of its hotmail domains, but then Microsoft didn’t own the domain platform from where it was bought and settled with the buyer amiably to get hotmail back swiftly. He scored the domain for 12, and the search engine giant company offered Ved a. Google’s Security Team acknowledged the incident. TIL in September 2015, a man named Sanmay Ved owned for a minute. In the post on LinkedIn Pulse, Ved includes proof of the transaction and of the credited amount from his card, if you’re skeptical. While Google has so far declined to comment on the circumstances which made his purchase possible, Sanmay Ved’s told CNET’s Crave blog that Google is investigating. Last October, researcher and ex-Google employee Sanmay Ved was able to purchase the domain name for one whole minute for the price of 12.

sanmay ved

Sammay Ved wrote a detailed blog post about his experience owning Google for a brief period. Sanmay Ved, a student at Babson College in Massachusetts, faced this very question at the end of September when he reportedly became the owner of Google.

sanmay ved

Ved completed the transaction and within minutes received complete ownership of . after the purchase was completed and his account was credited the $12, Ved received a couple of unusual emails pertaining to the webmaster tools aka the search console, which is unusual when purchasing new domains. “I thought it was some error, but I could actually complete check out.” sanmay ved who bought I type in and to my surprise it showed it as available,” Sanmay Ved told to Business Insider.

sanmay ved

“I used to work at Google so I keep messing around with the product. Writing about the experience in a LinkedIn post, Sanmay Ved describes his shock when he found out his card was charged just $12 (£7.90).

Sanmay ved